Meet the Clowder

Barn Cat
Lin Manuel
Lin wandered his way into the barn on one random winter day. He's a husky and unathletic guy who bullied the other cats and chased them out of the barn. We got him neutered and vaccinated and 8 weeks later he settled down and has become an integral part of the Clowder, allowing everybody to snuggle together in the barn once again. He and Snickers have a very close friendship.

Barn Cat
Lucky is our original barn cat. She was rescued from living outside of the Dollar General in Biglerville by Kris' co-worker in 2018. After getting spayed and vaccinated, she was relocated to Lucky Us Farm. She was the sole resident of the barn for months, before the others started moving in. For whatever reason, the other cats chased Lucky out and Lucky has been relegated to our front porch. She's still living her best life with a heated chair in the winter and daily feedings.

Barn Cat
Snickers is our best known cat, as she is quite friendly and enjoys greeting visitors. She was rescued from a cat hoarding situation in Fredricksburg, VA. A shelter there was contacting farms in the tri-state area looking for anybody to adopt feral barn cats. We agreed to take 2 cats, sight unseen. They delivered Snickers (originally named 'Goat') and her sister, Lamb to our farm. Unfortunately Lamb packed her bags and moved out after a month, but Snickers remained. She is the mother figure to all the other cats and quite a love.

Barn Cat
Chicken is the sister to Duckie and the daughter to Tammy. She and her 3 other siblings were born on the farm, unbeknownst to us. She was a couple of weeks old before we found the hidden kitten nest. We were able to find homes for 2 of her siblings, but she and Duckie remain on the farm. She is nibble and athletic, but quite shy and timid. She is quite the mouser.

Barn Cat
Duckie is the sister to Chicken and the daughter to Tammy. She and her 3 other siblings were born on the farm, unbeknownst to us. She was a couple of weeks old before we found the hidden kitten nest. We were able to find homes for 2 of her siblings, but she and Chicken remain on the farm. She's already used up one of her nine lives when our dog got a hold of her. She luckily escaped, yet remains quite an adventurous kitty.

Barn Cat
Tammy wandered onto the farm and gave birth to 4 kittens without our knowledge. We found her kitten nest after the kittens were several weeks old. We found homes for 2 of her kittens, and the other 2 remain on the farm. (Chicken and Duckie). We've since had her and her daughters spayed and vaccinated, so no more surprises! Tammy is incredibly feral and by far the least social of our cats.

Barn Cat
Ruby Lu
Ruby Lu is the newest addition to the Clowder, arriving in early summer of 2024. I'm pretty sure she moved in from a few houses down, as I see other cats down the street that look a lot like her. I call her "Not Mine", as it took me a long time to claim her as a permanent resident. For whatever reason, the other cats readily accepted her into the Clowder and she is here to stay. The best part is that she came with a tipped ear, meaning she has already been spayed!